Ways of shooting moving subjects

Interested to get people’s views on how to record girls who are on the move, particularly the ones who are fast walking.

I recently tried to follow and record a beauty in jeans using my phone. She was really fast so the video was a bit shaky. Are there better ways to get better stability?


Well Chungy, if you’re like most guys on here you just shoot the pics no matter how blurry they are…

I use a camera with adjustable settings, so when I’m aiming for moving subjects I have to maintain a fast shutter speed, a wide open aperture, and select the right ISO speed for the lighting. Low light indoors requires a really fast shutter speed and a high ISO sensitivity to capture a subject clearly. Bright sunlight will also require a fast shutter speed, but you can lower the ISO sensitivity and increase aperture to let less light in.


Thanks. There’s so much to take into consideration, but like for like a camera will always better than a phone with a camera. On this occasion I didn’t pursue as 1, it was starting to look obvious and 2. I couldn’t keep up :rofl:
I was curious as to how people walk and shoot/record at the same time as it can’t be easy keeping a steady hand.

Try live photos and snap a picture of which one you like

Keep your lens still and pray.


I usually tried to catch up behind them as a natural walk without making it obvious and better when target is slowed down by people walking across it slows them down and that’s when you walk slow to a stop to get a clean view from behind and get that whole body in action…sometimes you do get it and sometimes you don’t because they’re too fast…but it’s worth it…

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I liked for the first sentence alone LOL

You should add the comment to a camera post and refer to it :+1::sunglasses:

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#1 Find a shortcut! Sometimes the scenic route ends up better too.

#2 there is always the QuickDraw

#3 Dont go for blurry, settle with what you got and use it for practice!!

#4 Check out the other Pro Tips :+1::+1:
Maybe start here and check other posts out under the same Topic


I turn on background apps like QuickVideoRecorder before I arrive, hold my phone to my side with camera facing sideways or forward, upside down.
Making sure there isn’t light changes…I record what I can and screen capture moments where your phone steadies in sync with your movement. Playback slow and rotate in post…you get lucky when either you both sync up or you’re still and they’re at a good distance. Try this enough, you can predict how your shots will end up based on your angle and arm movement.
Synchronized both of our movements.


Use a phone app that records slow motion. Then you can just walk by and not linger. The cam does this lingering for you. :slight_smile:

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