You guys have been asking for this thread.
A few things need to be reminded and stated.
Must read before posting Clarifying the Rules
- Follow all forum rules
- Must be in public, no private homes
- Must be 18+ subjects only , no kids or t e e n s
- No posed content, must be candid
- No social media content
- Must state (OC) original content, if you are 100% the shooter!
- Must state (Not OC) if posting found content. Do this if you are not the shooter. You can also state “not my content”. If you don’t, the post will be removed.
- No identifiable information of subjects
- No illegal activity. No up s k i r t s, no pornography, no nudes, no grope content, no tribute content, no dick pics.
- No urls or websites links in content or otherwise mentioned.
- No advertising or promoting
- No sexual explicit vulgar comments. This is an open to public forum, keep it respectful.
- If you post another members work. Please give the person credit and state their user name. Link the post to their thread. Give respect to them, do not just re post their work.
Posting reminders
- State (OC) original content, if you are 100% the shooter!
- State (Not OC) if you are NOT the shooter!
- Crop photos, crop out the black boarders
- Rotate photos to the correct orientation. No sideways or upside down photos.
- Low quality posts will be removed
- Blurry posts will be removed
- Lets keep this top tier as possible
Anyone not able to follow the rules and guidelines may be suspended. No excuses.
Simply follow the rules and have fun.
Lets see some good candids